Sonic 2: A bigger and better sequel!

I didn’t grow up playing the games but I still enjoyed the first Sonic movie when it came out in 2020. I remember it being one of the last films I saw before the cinemas closed due to the pandemic. So, it felt right to be seeing the sequel inside the cinema, albeit with safety protocols still being enforced.

After having quietly lived on earth for some time, Sonic (Ben Schartz) wants to become a hero, even taking a hint from the caped-crusader himself-Batman! Of course, this wanting to be a superhero and secretly trying to fight crime, comes with consequences, especially since you’re essentially a kid with super speed. Sonic does a lot of growing up in this film. But don’t worry, he still maintains his humor and optimism. Things heat up when Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey) who has been banished to a mushroom planet, manages to escape and meets Knuckles (Idris Elba)- the two discover that they have a little something in common. A burning desire to stop a little blue hedgehog. 

The movie was on an entirely different scale. It was so much bigger and better than the first one. It was a treat to see the jaw-dropping visuals on the big screen. The colorful and detailed 3D characters living in the real world scenario were flawless, save for a couple, but I’m just nitpicking. Jim Carrey is perfect as Robotnik! I love how he brought his signature humor and style to the character. It is so good! A master-class in comedic villain acting. 

Jim Carrey in Sonic The Hedgehog 2 from Paramount Pictures and Sega. Photo Credit: Courtesy Paramount Pictures and Sega of America.

Another reason why Sonic 2 is bigger and better! We have Tails and Knuckles! Tails was so cute and Knuckles was hilarious! Idris Elba did a good job as the voice of Sonic’s adversary. Also have to give a shout out to the humans in the story! They were so funny also! Rachel (Natasha Rothwell) is the best! Even Robotnik’s coffee-loving assistant Agent Stone (Lee Majdoub) had a number of laugh out loud scenes.

Speaking of scenes, there were so many hilarious scenes! There was this unexpected dance off that totally came out of nowhere, but still worked because everyone in the cinema loved it!  

I was laughing so hard at the many funny scenes and this is from someone who did not even grow up playing the games. I’m sure there were a lot of references  that I didn’t get, but I did not feel left out. Sonic, having lived on earth has picked up an extensive knowledge of pop culture and he has been dropping references from DC, Marvel, even the Rock and Vin Diesel! 

Sonic (Ben Schwartz) in SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2 from Paramount Pictures and Sega. Photo Credit: Courtesy Paramount Pictures and Sega of America.

One scene was reminiscent of ‘Indiana Jones’ and the ‘Temple Run’ game. There’s a big, big battle in the end, that fans of mecha and anime will surely appreciate. The graphics and the big battles alone make it worth seeing on the big screen. 
The film is a love letter to fans who grew up playing the game or watching the series but it doesn’t mean that its just for them. As a normie myself, I still enjoyed the film immensely. Tip, if you can see the first film, as a refresher, then do so. Although you still won’t feel too lost if you just go ahead and see the sequel. It’s definitely a movie to bring your kids to, something for the family to enjoy on the big screen! There are also themes and lessons on family, friendship. So there’s more to take home than just laughs, a good time and good memories.

Watch the video review from our YouTube Channel

‘Sonic The Hedgehog 2’ is in PH cinemas March 30.