Is your online lover too good to be true? Know the red flags of a love scammer

Dating in the digital age has become easier with so many apps and services to choose from. By the end of 2023, it was reported that 441 million people were using dating apps actively, generating around $8.7 billion in revenues globally through matchmaking services.

The appeal of dating apps is that you’re not limited by geography. You can meet people online in your city or in another country; you get to see how they look like from their profiles; find out their interests; and if you begin chatting, you can judge if you’re compatible enough to go on a first date.

Many Filipinos have fallen victim to romance scams, among other fakery proliferating online. Now there’s a Facebook page that crowdsources information and experiences so that you can be more aware about scams. Called Online Alerto, it’s a Facebook community page dedicated to the dissemination of invaluable insights, resources, and strategies related to digital literacy, cybersecurity, and responsible online behavior.

Acting as a collaborative platform, it facilitates members in validating their online purchases and transactions while fostering an environment where personal experiences are exchanged to help enhance online safety and awareness among all members. Online Alerto is absolutely free—all you need to do is join the community page to raise your own awareness about cybercrimes.

While identity theft and hacking are the leading cybercrimes globally, love scams are rapidly on the rise. In Southeast Asia, these crimes have two victims: those deceived by the scam and those that are trafficked into doing the scams.

Online Alerto has pooled resources on the internet for warnings and tips on avoiding love scams.